Life, Mental Health

Rocking an ECT hairstyle 

There are a lot of things they warn you about when starting ECT. Nothing really prepares you for the reality of ECT. There are annoying little things they don’t warn you about. Or at least my place didn’t warn me. 

One of these things is the goop in the hair. There is this conductive gel that goes on your head. Where on the head depends on the kind of ECT you are getting. Mine is on the top of my head and the right side of my head. It’s like really stiff hair gel when it dries and makes my hair all wacky. No one warned me to bring a comb or a hat for after. The first time I just desperately tried to rub the stuff out with a wet washcloth which wasn’t that effective. It washes out pretty easy with shampoo but it dries out my hair too. I’ve since cut my hair even shorter than usual so that the gel messes it up less. Yes, that’s right. I changed my hairstyle to deal with this aspect of ECT. 

Compared to the memory side effects or the post-ECT headaches the gel is super minor. Still it mattered to me, especially that first time. I’ve made it a ritual to grab a fancy coffee after getting out so I want to look at least okay when I leave the hospital. Having a hat or a comb or, in my case, super-short-spiky hair helps me feel more confident and comfortable after my treatment.

So there you go…an ECT beauty tip. Bring a hat or a comb if you don’t have spiky short hair.


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